The 8th day of the war. Today I was wondering what I can really say here other than babble something irrelevant. In addition, in a monologue. But then, in the face of a war that will not end, I alone am left to prattle on. You have to talk, because you don’t know how long you’ll have that chance and how long someone will listen to you. Use this open window of mutual interest, because the war can come, the window will be closed and so much would remain unsaid. There are thousands of people in Ukraine who remain unheard. Thousands of cosms. And perhaps it is precisely the insignificant that is most important. This morning I joined the Latvian National Guard.
3. marts 2022
8. kara diena. Šodien domāju, ko te īsti var pateikt, tikai muldēt kaut ko nenozīmīgu. Turklāt monologā. Bet tad, skatoties uz karu, kas nebeidzas, šķiet – muldi vien. Vajag izrunāties, jo tu jau nezini, cil ilgi tev būs šāda iespēja un tevī kāds klausīsies. Izmanto šo savstarpējās intereses logu, jo var atnākt karš, logs var tikt aizvērts un tik daudz kas paliktu nepateikts. Ukrainā tūkstošiem cilvēku palikuši neizteikti. Tūkstošiem kosmosu. Un varbūt tas nenozīmīgais tieši ir tas svarīgākais. Šorīt pieteicos Zemessardzē.