One era is coming to an end, is already over, and another is coming but is not yet here. They’re stuck in the middle, in the in-between or nowhere – No Man’s Land. On one side the trenches of the past, on the other – of the future, above their heads bullets fly, and they are afraid of both sides. Some of them would like to move to the left, others to the right; which way does not lead to death is unclear. Does forward also mean backward or does it mean forward? Also, people have forgotten which direction it went back. Which side is safer? The smoke of the absurd smokes in the air – the goal has been lost. Where to? What for? And who was here for what? Why does no one say that? Paralysis sets in. Boredom. Despair. But there is not enough courage for suicide. Others should put an end to themselves. If they don’t do it voluntarily, others will help. If you fight back, you get killed. Cold-blooded. Even with pleasure. You can also torture them a little before death. Because nothing makes sense anyway. Freedom. But to do this, you have to be first. If the others want to escape, they must be caught, tied up and locked up. How did they know where to flee? What do they know? Who told them? Do they think they are better? They must be tortured. Who has it easy today? Hell! There shall remain only the horror and after the victory – nothing.
Viens laikmets beidzas, jau ir pagājis un nāk cits, taču vēl nav pienācis. Viņi ir iesprūduši pa vidu, starptelpā jeb nekurienē – No Man’s Land. Pagātnes ierakumi vienā pusē, nākotnes – otrā, pāri viņu galvām lido šāviņi un viņiem ir bail no abām pusēm. Vieni gribētu rauties pa kreisi, otri pa labi, kurš virziens neved nāvē nav skaidrs. Vai uz priekšu nozīmē atpakaļ, vai tomēr uz priekšu? Turklāt aizmirsies uz kuru pusi bija atpakaļ. Kurā pusē drošāk? Gaisā kūp absurda dūmi – ir pazudis mērķis. Uz kurieni? Priekš came? Un kurš te bija par ko? Kāpēc neviens nepasaka? Iestājas paralīze. Garlaicība. Izmisums. Bet pašnāvībai nepietiek dūšas. Lai galu sev dara citi. Yes, vieni nedarīs brīvprātīgi, tad otri palīdzēs. Piespiedīs. Yes pretosies, nogalinās. Aukstasinīgi. Pat ar prieku. Var arī pamocīt pirms nāves. Jo tāpat nekam nav jēgas. Brīvība. Bet ir jāpaspēj pirmajam. Ja tie otri gribēs mukt, tād ir jānoķer, jāsasien, jāiesloga. Kā viņi zināja kur mukt? Ko viņi zina? Kas viņiem pateica? Vai viņi uzskata sevi par labākiem? Ir jāspīdzina. Kam šodien viegli? Pie velna! Lai paliek tikai šausmas un pēc uzvaras – nekas.