The 12th day of the war. I was at the meeting of theater creators against Russian aggression at the Russian Embassy, and I said the following:
“I would like to give a ray of hope here. Although people are dying and cities are being destroyed in Ukraine, this may also be a very bright time. In the last 600 years, the country east of us has never been so close to the end of despotism. Since Moscow destroyed the Republic of Novgorod, Russia has been ruled almost continuously by despots who imposed their “virtues” on everyone else. Now hope has been rekindled that this part of the world, also called the “Bloodlands” and to which we too once belonged, will finally breathe a sigh of relief and flourish, for Sauron has fallen upon the Ukrainians – Mordor will fall. I hope that we will also be energetic enough to make this real quickly. We are really on the eve of a new era, we just need to persevere, we need to help Ukraine and we need to believe in ourselves and not be afraid. Long live Ukraine!”
12. kara diena. Biju teātra darbinieku mitiņā pie Krievijas vēstniecības pret Krievijas agresiju, teicu šo:
“Es šeit gribu ienest kādu gaismas stariņu. Par spīti tam, ka Ukrainā mirst cilvēku un grūst pilsētas, šis potenciāli ir arī ļoti gaišs laiks. Pēdējo 600 gadu laikā zeme austrumos no mums nav bijusi tik tuvu despotijas beigām. Kopš Maskavija sagrāva Novgorodas republiku, Krievijā gandrīz nepārtraukti ir valdījuši despoti, kas uzspiež savus “tikumus” visiem apkārt. Tagad ir pārādījusies cerība, ka šī pasaules daļa, ko mēdz dēvēt arī par “Asinszemēm” un kurai sanācis piederēt arī mums, beidzot uzelpos un uzplauks, jo Saurons uzdūrās ukraiņiem – Mordora kritīs. Ceru, ka arī mēs būsim pietiekami asi, lai tas notiktu ātrāk. Mēs patiesi esam jaunas ēras priekšvakarā, ir tikai jāiztur, ir jāpalīdz Ukrainai un jātic sev, nedrīkst baidīties. Slava Ukrainai!”