What to write about the war. All know a- and the same, read news and it is also all live transferred. But yesterday there were unusually beautiful clouds and strange light over the completely smooth river Daugava. Like in a movie. And at the film award “Lielais Kristaps” (“Christopher the Great”) the film “A Year Before the War” won. The director told that the title is now a problem because people are afraid of sinking into depression. Although the film about the year 1913 is even funny. All acknowledgements were divided into two parts, one about Ukraine. I didn’t have to make a speech, but I own a brooch in the colors of Ukraine, which has been in a drawer since 2014. I kept it then almost with a sense of foreboding. And Twitter reports that a Latvian was the first to sign up for the newly formed International Ukrainian Battalion. This is the same entrepreneur who last year secretly dismantled a Soviet cannon in a small town and dumped it somewhere in the Düna River, refusing to say where. And they still wanted to condemn him! Recently, even. Another beautiful sunset tonight. It is called, Dzhokhar Dudaev, who fought for the free republic of Chechnya against Russia, had said that this Russia will die when the sun of Ukraine rises. He foresaw this war 22 years ago. I’ll have to see what’s new there. Слава Україні! Героям слава! (Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!)
Ko tad lai raksta par karu? Visi zina to pašu, lasa ziņas un to raida arī tiešajā ēterā. Bet vakar bija neparasti skaisti padebeši un dīvaina gaisma virs pilnīgi gludas Daugavas. Kā filmā. Un filmu balvu “Lielais Kristaps” pasniegšanas ceremonijā uzvarēja filma “Gads pirms kara”. Režisors stāstīja, ka nosaukums tagad ir problēma, cilvēkiem bail iekrist depresijā. Lai gan filma pat jautra, par 1913. gadu. Visās pateicības runās bija divas daļas, viena par Ukrainu. Runu man teikt nevajadzēja, toties man ir krūšu piespraude Ukrainas krāsās, vēl no 2014. gada atvilktnē glabājās. Kā zinādams noglabāju. Un Tviteris ziņo, ka jaundibinātajā Ukrainas Starptautiskajā bataljonā pirmais pieteicās latvietis. Tas pats uzņēmējs, kas pāgājšgad slepeni demontēja padomju lielgabalu mazpilsētas memoriālā un nogremdēja kaut kur Daugavā, un atsakās teikt kur. Bet viņu vēl gribēja tiesāt! Nesen. Šovakar atkal skaists saulriets. Džohars Dudajevs, kurš par brīvu Ičkēriju (Čečeniju) karoja pret Krieviju, esot teicis, ka šī Krievija mirs, kad uzausīs Ukrainas saule. Jau pirms 22 gadiem paredzēja šo karu. Jāpaskatās kas tur jauns. Слава Україні! Героям слава!