The 15th day of the war. The fact that Russians hurriedly bought out IKEA, stood in line at McDonald’s, and frantically pulled money out of ATMs shows that they were well informed because/while the state broadcasters were silent about the effects of the sanctions; so people may very well know about the horrors of the war in Ukraine, but they choose not to know. Homo Sovieticus, about whom I just made a film, is an innocent lamb compared to Homo Post-Sovieticus, because the former was truly held in a hunger for information, while this is not possible with the latter in the age of the Internet; he chooses to lie of his own free will. The kind of person who needs to be scrutinized. I wonder what Foreign Minister Lavrov was thinking when he said in front of the whole world today, “We didn’t attack Ukraine,” and “There was a Nazi base in the maternity hospital.” Deserving of admiration, meanwhile, are two Latvian microsurgeons who rushed to Ukraine to save the wounded, are already doing so successfully, and at the same time are using their experience to teach their students in a virtual way. @MicrosurgeryLV
Photo ©Ivo Briedis
15. kara diena. Tas, ka krievi metās izpirkt IKEA, stājās McDonald rindās un rāvās ņemt naudu ārā no bankomātiem liecina, ka viņi bija labi informēti, jo valsts kanāli par sankciju ietekmi klusēja, tātad cilvēki var zināt arī par kara šausmām Ukrainā, taču izvēlas par to nezināt. Homo Sovieticus, par ko nupat taisīju filmu, salīdzinot ar Homo Post-sovieticus, ir nevainīgs jēriņš, jo pirmais tiešām tika turēts informatīvā badā, kamēr ar otro interneta laikmetā to izdarīt nav iespējams, tas pats pēc savas iniciatīvas izvēlas melus. Cilvēka tips, kas būs jāliek zem mikroskopa. Interesanti ko ārlietu ministrs Lavrovs domāja brīdī, kad šodien visai pasaulei teica: “Mēs neesam uzbrukuši Ukrainai.” un “Dzemdību namā bija nacistu bāze.” Tikmēr apbrīnu rada tie divi latviešu mikroķirurgi, kuri aiztraucās uz Ukrainu glābt ievainotos un to jau sekmīgi dara, turklāt pieredzi izmanto virtuāli izglītojot studentus. @MicrosurgeryLV