one-day conference in English
at the Theatre im Ballsaal and online
Hybrid forms of theater are not just a phenomenon of the pandemic. Or are they? What is exciting about working in the hybrid structures? What will happen next with the developments that many theater professionals have examined in the last two years? What kind of new dramaturgies and narrative forms are developing through hybrid spaces? What impact does this have on the authors work? What are the challenges for technologies, platforms and stage spaces? How do the different audiences come together? What new forms of collaboration between artistic and technical professionals are emerging? And what do all these developments and considerations mean for the production process?
Under the title HYBRID PLAYGROUND _ SHARING SPACES fringe ensemble (Bonn, DE) invites theater makers, professionals of various genres (authors, set designers, programmers, dramaturgs and academics) and other interested parties to an exchange on hybrid theater formats.
The focus of the conference, which takes place hybrid, is on exchange and dialogue between the various participants. We aim to initiate encounters and discussions by using different formats such as keynote speeches, dialogues, open discussions, presentations and an excerpt from a performance.
The referents and keynote speakers are
- Nina de la Chevallerie (director, boat people projekt, Göttingen, DE)
- Reimar de la Chevallerie (director, boat people projekt, Göttingen, DE)
- George Albert Costea (actor, National Theater Craiova, RU)
- Ceren Ercan (author and dramaturge, Istanbul, TR)
- Annika Ley (stage designer, video artist, digitalist, fringe ensemble, Bonn, DE)
- Amer Okdeh (stage designer, virtual design creator, Berlin, DE)
- Martynas Petrikas (Associate Professor at Vilnius University Faculty of Communication, LT, editor-in-chief of the Nordic Theatre Studies journal)
- Katharina Roesch (dramaturge, co-founder of Digitale Dramaturgie, DE)
- Fehime Seven (game developer, programmer, Istanbul, TR)
- Martin Wisniowski (programmer, Cologne, DE)
Lea Goebel (dramaturge, Schauspiel Köln, co-founder of Digitale Dramaturgie, DE)

Conference schedule, 08. October 2022
10:00 am
10:15 am – 10:45 am
Introductory lecture
by Martynas Petrikas (Professor at the Faculty of Communication, Vilnius University, LT)
10:45 am – 12:15 pm
New dramaturgies for hybrid (interactive, participatory) theater formats
Katharina Rösch (freelance dramaturge, co-founder of “Digitale Dramaturgie”, DE) and Ceren Ercan (author, dramaturge, TR) are talking about the hybridity of reality, development of new formats, the impact on their work, audiences and working motivations.
12:15 pm – 1:30 pm
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Connecting analogue and digital spaces
View into the “kitchen”: Martin Wisniowski (programmer, DE), Fehime Seven (game developer and programmer, TR) and Annika Ley (set designer and digital specialist, DE) invite to an exchange about technical challenges and chances while presenting special issues of their current work.
3:00 pm – 3.30 pm
Coffee and cake
3.30 pm – 5.15 pm
Production of hybrid formats
Presentation of three different productions focussing special aspects and challenges in production (technical, acting, process, advertisement, audiences)
- George Albert Costea (RU), actor from the National Theatre Craiova talks about the production “Hektomeron”.
- boat people project (DE) describes the current work “Win back Damascus” and will present excerpts.
- fringe ensemble (DE) describes the development of the special architecture of the hybrid project “Map to Utopia”.
5:30 pm – 6:00 pm
final statements