Anton Chekhov
With: Simin Soraya
Director: Frank Heuel
Room: Eduardo Serù
Music: Gregor Schwellenbach
Costumes and video: Annika Ley
Dramaturgy: Svenja Pauka
Premiere in Bonn: January 13, 2011 at theaterimballsaal
“To Moscow! To Moscow!” – Chekhov’s three sisters sit in the provinces, surrounded by their families, their husbands, their loves, and dream of the future: of returning to the supposedly more livable metropolis that promises true happiness, true love, true life. The longing for the better, the other life in another place feeds their dreams, while they miss life in the here and now. Chekhov’s drama “Three Sisters” lacks a dramatic plot in the classical sense, is a state description of an attitude to life, which is reflected in all the characters. But especially in that of Irina, Masha and Olga.
The fringe ensemble bridges the gap from drama to today with just one actress. Simin Soraya makes her way through the story, tracing it, trying distance and closeness, letting herself be carried away, revealing the power of longing with lightness and disturbance, with humor and anger.
“… a solo, but not a monologue. Almost all the characters from Chekhov’s play appear in Simin Soraya’s wonderfully differentiated performance. … Each act in this play of eternal desires has its very own rhythm and a theatrical tension that sheds new light on the randomness of events in Chekhov’s play from a female point of view. Simin Soraya turns it into a many-voiced concert of contradictory visions of why we live and suffer. She allows for brittle pathos as well as energetic rage and lust for life. Absolutely worth seeing!”
General-Anzeiger Bonn, E. Einecke-Klövekorn, 15.01.2011
A production of Drei Schwestern GbR/fringe ensemble.