by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
A production of the fringe ensemble
With: David Fischer
Director: Frank Heuel
Room/Costumes: Annika Ley
Music: Matthias Höhn
Dramaturgy: Svenja Pauka
Premiere in Bonn: January 19, 2012 at theaterimballsaal
Streaming version 2020
With David Fischer
Director Laila Nielsen/Frank Heuel
Picture direction Laila Nielsen
Technical concept and realization Annika Ley
Live streaming
04, 05, 16, 18 April 2020
Ivan is in a bad way. The doctor spoke of nothing less than a “disruption of the brain.” But as much as Ivan resists the disease, suddenly he finds himself face to face with the devil. He denies its existence, wants to dismiss it as a hallucination, as a personification of his own thoughts, and yet he cannot resist starting a conversation with it. With a lot of sweetness, witty ideas and stories, the latter tries to convince him of his existence. A dispute develops about reason and faith, freedom and responsibility, about shouting hosanna or the denial of the irrational.
THE DEVIL, one of the central chapters of Dostoevsky’s novel The Brothers Karamazov, written in 1878-1880, is a virtuoso contribution to the great fundamental human questions and a masterfully conducted dialogue. This intellectually brilliant and emotionally stirring text has lost none of its topicality to this day. Frank Heuel creates a theater evening out of it that will get hearts and brains racing.
A Teufel GbR/fringe ensemble production. Sponsored by: Federal City of Bonn, Ministry for Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sports of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.