hybrid, interactive performance
Co-production by fringe ensemble, Bonn, and Platform Tiyatro, Istanbul
Performers Julia Goldberg, David Fischer, Manuel Klein, Laila Nielsen, Philip Schlomm
Concept and artistic direction Ceren Ercan, Frank Heuel, Mark Levitas, Annika Ley, Fehime Seven
Direction Frank Heuel
Virtual design, stage and costumes Annika Ley
Play development and design Fehime Seven
Dramaturgy, text Ceren Ercan
Sound design Ömer Sarıgedik
Assistance Lutz Ackermann
Production Management Jennifer Merten
Press and Public Relations Claudia Grönemeyer
Management Svenja Pauka
From 2020 to 2022, performances took place in both hybrid and purely digital form. As German, Turkish and English versions.
Map to Utopia was invited to various international festivals.
In October 2022, we also realised an international, one-day professional conference entitled
Hybrid Playground – Sharing Spaces
Cities should open up opportunities, connect people to new people, free us from the narrow confines of tradition – in a word, the city should deepen experience.
Richard Sennett
MAP TO UTOPIA is “an interactive experiment that returns theatre to its original political function as a space of communication that combines play and reality in real time. German Radio Culture
How would our cities develop if their inhabitants were more directly involved in the planning? What would it be like if they really got involved in a debate? What happens when you leave your comfort zone, overcome barriers between classes, cultures and religions and meet people you have never met before? Can it be that through dialogue and by adopting different perspectives we come closer to a Map to Utopia?
This is the idea behind the interactive and hybrid performance, with which we invite visitors to move and interact in a fictional, exemplary metropolis. Led by five performers, they slip into the roles of people who live or work here, meet others and exchange ideas.
What remains is the astonishing feeling of having stepped outside the door once again and having thought outside the box a little. General-Anzeiger Bonn
Please read through this technical information:
For participation in the theater you need a smartphone. For online participation, you will also need a PC or tablet. Please bear in mind that only one person at a time can participate in front of a screen.
Your smartphone should either be an Android with at least operating system 4.1 or higher or an iPhone with at least operating system iOS 11. Please also remember that you still have free data capacity on your smartphone.
If you have purchased a ticket to attend Zoom, you will receive your own check-in time approximately 2 days before the event, which will be no more than one hour before the performance starts.
Supported by: Kunststiftung NRW, Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, NRW Kultursekretariat, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste, Goethe-Institut.

Since 2019, we have been constantly developing the performance. We have created a German, a Turkish and an international version as well as a hybrid and a purely digital version. To date, we can look back on 30 performances that have taken place in Bonn, in Münster in hybrid form and in digital space. MAP TO UTOPIA has been invited to international festivals: İstanbul Tiyatro Festivali, Europäische Kulturtage Karlsruhe, internationales figuren.theatre.festival, A.MAZE Berlin. MAP TO UTOPIA was awarded the Human Machine Award at the international festival ” A MAZE./BERLIN“. Invitations to symposia such as Play Perform Learn Grow 2021 or Next Level – Festival for Games followed.