Living pictures of agony / A documentary performance
A production of fringe ensemble/phoenix5
in cooperation with the Theater im Ballsaal Bonn and the Theater im Pumpenhaus Münster
With: Justine Hauer, Bettina Marugg, Laila Nielsen, Svenja Pauka, Gregor Schwellenbach, Eduardo Seru
Director: Frank Heuel
Dramaturgy: Svenja Pauka
Room: Eduardo Seru
Costumes: Annika Ley
Production Management: Jörg Tewes
Public Relations: Claudia Grönemeyer
Premiere in Bonn: 05 May 2009 at the Theater im Ballsaal
Premiere in Münster: 03 June 2009 at the Theater im Pumpenhaus
Innumerable are the attempts at reconciliation in private, social and political contexts, the efforts at reconciliation between two or more persons, population groups, religious communities or states. That could be optimistic – if it weren’t for the failure, if it weren’t for the gravity of the preceding events, if it weren’t for one’s own immovable standpoint. Frank Heuel’s production focuses on one of the very big conflicts, on reconciliation processes that raise questions that are not easy to answer due to the gravity of the preceding events: How can a person forgive at all? Under what conditions can a victim encounter a perpetrator? What are the implications of amnesties for victims, survivors? What does the encounter actually do? Does reconciliation directly help those involved or “only” the generations to come?
With the documentary performance I SAID THE THINGS YOU TOLD ME NOT TO SAY, fringe ensemble/phoenix5 provide a powerful insight into the life stories of people who became victims or perpetrators during the apartheid regime in South Africa. Truth, confrontation, respect, and tolerance become hard-won commodities in these stunning protocols.
SAID THE THINGS YOU TOLD ME NOT TO SAY presents individual life stories of people who became victims or perpetrators during the apartheid regime in South Africa. The evening is based on documentary texts, statements by perpetrators as well as victims, which were recorded during the hearings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission from 1994 to 1998.
The acting ensemble consisting of Justine Hauer, Laila Nielsen and Bettina Marugg has been joined on stage by musician Gregor Schwellenbach and set designer and visual artist Eduardo Serú. The result is a documentary performance – Living Pictures of Agony.
“There was a time when we thought we had to cut necks and execute people. This was a time when we thought that we would solve what you are doing here with weapons, punishments, retaliation and revenge. But we had to come here to be rebuked that it cannot be solved with weapons, it cannot be solved with retribution, it cannot be solved with hatred. They are ordinary people who, looking forward, have to say: “I am ready to hear the truth in all its ugliness. Despite all this, I am ready to forgive”.
Minutes, Truth Commission, South Africa,1996
A production of I Said GbR/fringe ensemble/phoenix5. Sponsored by: City of Münster, Kunststiftung NRW, Minister President of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Federal City of Bonn and InWEnt gGmbH with funds from the BMZ.