The M.F.T. in Münster a project by fringe ensemble/phoenix5 With: Maciek Brzoska, David Fischer, Justine Hauer, Bettina Marugg, Lale Yavas, Andreas Meidinger, Laila Nielsen, Ismail Deniz Authors: Ivo Briedis (LV), Kristín Eiríksdóttir (IS), Alexander Molchanov (RU). Music: Peter Böving Artistic direction: Frank Heuel Equipment: Annika Ley, Lisa Schiller-Witzmann Dramaturgy: René Reinhardt Location Aaseewiese at the…


A production by fringe ensemble and CocoonDance Text: Lothar Kittstein With: Fa-Hsuan Chen, Laure Dupont, Andrés García, Bettina Marugg, Stefan Preiss Choreography/Direction: Rafaële Giovanola and Frank Heuel Room/Costumes: Annika Ley Premiere Friday, 01 November 2013 at theaterimballsaal, Bonn LooLooLoop – our first joint production with CocoonDance, released for the ballroom anniversary. Lothar Kittstein wrote the…