Garten des Widerstands

künstlerisches Biotop und Performance-Reihe in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kunstmuseum Bonn Künstlerische Leitung Frank Heuel, Annika Ley Regie Frank Heuel Raum, Video, Kostüme Annika Ley Mit Fa-Hsuan Chen, Marie Daniels, Eva Esmann Behrens, David Fischer, Justine Hauer, Nicole Kersten, Lothar Kittstein, Jan Klare, Manuel Klein, Laila Nielsen, Bettina Marugg, Andreas Meidinger, Bojana Mitrovic, Kibsa Anthony Ouédraogo,…

Slaughterhouse 5

oder Der Kinderkreuzzug by Kurt Vonnegut With Justine Hauer, Manuel Klein, Georg Lennarz, Bettina Marugg, Andreas Meidinger Directed by Frank Heuel Set design by Annika Ley Assistance by Lutz Ackermann Performances The next performance dates will follow shortly. In “Schlachthof 5”, Kurt Vonnegut takes the bombing of Dresden towards the end of the Second World…

Stories from the Ghanaian Coast

International cooperation of fringe ensemble, Bonn, and the Department of Music and Dance of the University of Cape Coast in co-production with the Center for National Culture Ghana and the Theater im Ballsaal in Bonn With Charity Collin, David Fischer, Osei-Tutu Danso, a.k.a. K’Daanso Directed by Frank Heuel Set design, video, costumes Annika Ley Camera…

The peregrine falcon

by J. A. Baker translated from the English by Andreas Jandl and Frank Sievers, © Matthes & Seitz Berlin A production of the fringe ensemble in co-production with the Theater im Pumpenhaus Münster and the FFT Düsseldorf Bettina Marugg and Caroline Scholz Ott read Live music, percussion Arturo Portugal and Vera Seedorf Arrangement, text version…

Raue Zungen

von Julia Weber Wer ihren Roman „Die Vermengung“ kennt, wird die unverwechselbare Sprache, den ganz eigenen Sound von Julia Weber in „Raue Zungen“ wiederfinden: Ein poetischer Text – voller Zartheit und widerständiger Energie.   Eine Produktion des fringe ensemble in Kooperation mit 400asa, Zürich Mit Bettina Marugg, Wanda Wylowa Regie Frank Heuel Raum, Video, Kostüme…

Believing in the wild

based on “Croire aux fauves” [An das Wilde glauben] by Nastassja Martin, translated from the French by Claudia Kalscheuer © Gallimard With Bettina Marugg, Laila Nielsen, Eduardo Serú Directed by David Fischer Stage Eduardo Serú Assistant Director Lutz Ackermann Public Relations, Dramaturgy Claudia Grönemeyer Production Management Svenja Pauka Performances There are currently no performance dates.…

Mining hate _ Kaivalya plays as a guest from New Delhi

Guest performance by Kaivalya Plays (IN) in English Direction, Performance: Varoon P. Anand Design, Technical Production: Gaurav Singh Nijjer Creative Technology Development: Denny George, Hasan Shahrukh Object, Prop Development: Riddhijit Chattopadhyay Devising and Development supported by: Denny George, Hasan Shahrukh, Alia Sinha Supported by: MediaFutures “Artists for Media” Grant 2022 Presentation Fri June 07, 2024,…